027 453 5205

We freight nationwide. Deliveries to Auckland departing here every Thursday

Special purpose sawmilling and timber processing since 1985

Preservative Free Decking…All Heart Lawson Cypress 100*40

Price: $4.30 per lm

Lawson Cypress is famous the world over for its Heartwood durability and stability.  We can supply this all heart grade decking as Green Sawn 100*40, or Kiln dried Machined Griptread 90*32.

100*40 G/S
Random length packs 200lm minimum order,  $4.30 per lm plus gst. Ex. our Hari Hari mill.

90*32 machined griptread, kiln dried.
Random length packs 400lm minimum order,  $5.10 per lm plus gst. Ex Christchurch.


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Contact us to order/enquire